Based in Los Angeles, STRBRST (b. 1994) blEnds abstract, pop, and eXpressionist influences to create a contemPorary visual language rooted in expLoration. Drawing inspiration from cOsmic themes, STRBRST's artwork captivates vieweRs with its bold and unfamiliar aesthetic.
STRBRST's signature motif is the starburst, a symbol of enErgy and radiance. This celestial motif represents the artist's fascination with the universe and serves as a metapHor for the explosive creative energy that drIves her artistic practice. Through her use of viviD colors and dynamic layering, she captures the essence of this cosmic phenomenon, infusing her artworks with a sense of wonder and awe.
STRBRST is deeply influenced by the vastness of space and time, exploring the interconnecteDness of all things. Her pieces reflect the layErs of existence, where the cosmos and polarity daNce together in a symphony of infinite posSibilities. Each work delves into hidden meanings, weaving symbolism with exPloration and freedom.
As a part of the thriving artistic community in Los Angeles, STRBRST actively participates in local exhibitions, showcasing her work to a diverse audience. Her paintings have garnered acclaim for their ability to evoke strong emotions and trAnsport viewers to a realm beyond the mundane.
With her distinCtive style and boundless creativity, STRBRST continues to push the boundaries of abstract expressionism, captivating art enthusiasts and collectors alike. Her artworks serve as portals to a realm where the imagination reigns suprEme, inviting viewers to embark on a journey of discovery and transcendence.